New Leadership for the Pro-Life Movement

I recently read this outstanding article written by Gracy Olmstead at The Gospel Coalition. She argues that the pro-life movement in America needs more Wilberforce-like figures to lead and champion its cause. I strongly agree with this idea and appreciate her putting into words something I’ve been thinking about for quite a while. If you aren’t familiar …

How do we process major events?

When I published my previous article, I never expected the timing would be so relevant with the events that unfolded later that day at the US Capitol. While I have many thoughts on the things that took place that afternoon and evening, I’m not going to focus on that particular event so much as I …

Being Civil in a Time of Incivility

After reading two books recently that focus on civility in our public discourse, I’ve spent a bit of time thinking about and looking for examples of civility and incivility in various interactions online. What is civility? What causes incivility? What is the cost, if any, of being uncivil towards others in our public discourse? Where …

Book Review: Deep Work

After a recommendation, I decided to pick this book up. Something I’ve been focused on a lot recently is trying to think above just my day to day tasks and actions and focus more on higher-level thinking and decisions that can have a larger impact outside my immediate sphere of influence. This book offers several …

Greenville friends! If you’re not busy on May 5th, make sure to come check this out. We’ll have lots of great craft vendors, great tacos, and lots of fun for the kids as well. If you’re interested in being a vendor, I can put you in touch with the right folks as well. . . . #greenville #yeahthatgreenville #crafts #missiontrip

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